Grafene Consulting



We help businesses integrate effective technology solutions across their operations, reducing risk and aligning their technology transformation process with the organization’s culture. 

You can count on us to walk with you through the entire digital transformation process. It all begins with translating your vision, specific goals, and challenges into a strategy; designing end-to-end solutions; boosting your agility; acquiring, implementing, and protecting digital assets; and ultimately empowering your workforce with the digital skills needed to drive the change forward.

grafene technology services

Technology Advisory and Assurance Services

Choosing the right technology solutions that suit well-defined business objectives and overall management vision plays a critical role in the success of any organization’s digital transformation.

This is where we come in. We help you embrace transformation as an evolving journey, where we guide your businesses in the right direction and help mitigate the risks that digital transformation creates. 

Challenges We Tackle
How We Tackle Them
Contact Person
  • Need fast-paced digital transformation. Not sure how to start?
  • You aren’t prepared for Cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity is not important until an incident happens.
  • You need to ensure the resilience of your technology with the globally increasing cybersecurity-risk landscape and fast-paced technology advancement
  • Can’t keep up with the new emerging technologies and you aren’t sure which is the right fit. 
  • Changing regulatory landscape, that comes with compliance challenges.
  • Not being able to measure the success of investments in technology.
  • Company strategy underestimated technology’s value on growth, treating it as a support component rather than an integral enabler of the achievement of business objectives.
  • Inefficient decision making due to unavailability of accurate data.
  • Focusing on technology operations without paying attention to its control environment.
  • Not having enough business resilience measures in place, especially when approaching business disruption.
  • Using a hybrid and agile strategy, we customize our approach to each industry. All of which have been well-tested in previous engagements.
  • Our expertise in the MENA region’s technology and cybersecurity regulatory, as well as our deep knowledge of internationally-leading practices, allow us to help you achieve compliance efficiently with the forever changing regulatory landscape.
  • In providing relevant technology advisory, we are always reasonable considerate of your priorities.
  • We walk you through the process of integrating different services in an end-to-end product.
  • For both internal and external technology assurance, we recommend well-established and tested methods.
  • We help you with technology and cybersecurity practices in the business value chain.
  • Helping you shift your organizational mindset towards adopting a risk-based culture, by identifying and effectively treating the entity’s digital risk universe effectively.

Ahmed Ismail

Advisory and Assurance Services Head

Technology Business Solutions

To support and enhance your capabilities we partnered with global service providers to deliver an end-to-end transformation to your organization.

Our wide range of expertise and services help businesses ensure better management of risk; greater transparency and accountability; and enable an embedded controls-awareness culture.

Challenges We Tackle
How We Tackle Them
Contact Person
  • Need help applying a digital mindset to manage the complex world of governance and audit?
  • Not sure of the right digital approach to collect real-time data, to deliver data-driven insights to business stakeholders.
  • Looking for a way to integrate your different systems? Capture analytics evidence as part of the audit without separate systems that aren’t well-connected
  • Facing challenges in understanding your data analytics needs
  • Looking for a more agile and protected way to manage your digital assets?
  • Searching for the right electronic invoicing system to comply with the Tax Authority requirements?
  • Implement SAP GRC Technology in your organization to automate access and manage risk in an increasingly complex SAP landscape.
  • Implement Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Audit Management to move through the audit workflow efficiently and effectively.
  • Implement Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Analytics to put the power of analytics in the hands of your auditors.
  • Implement Micro Focus Security Management Solutions to secure the organization digital assets.
  • Implement Micro Focus IT Operations Management Solutions to manage the organization digital assets.
  • Implement SNI e-invoicing Solution to provide comprehensive and flexible Tax Compliance and VAT solutions.
   Tamer Shaker Tech Business

Tamer Shaker

Technology Solutions Head

Technology Talents

We help candidates and organizations through a range of talent-development solutions. We discover, develop, and inject digital talent into an organization’s environment ensuring significant value for both.

Whether you need help with talent acquisition, outsourcing, capacity building, or HR consulting, throughout our process, we act as your advisor and partner, your specific business status undergoes extensive diagnosis before any recommendation is made.

Challenges We Tackle
How We Tackle Them
Contact Person
  • You—and the entire market—are suffering from the scarcity of the technology talents needed to achieve your digital transformation goals
  • You are experiencing an accelerated demand for efficient hiring. From identifying the candidates through screening, matching, negotiating, and in many cases, relocating to a different territory
  • Need to develop the right workforce model for you. Are you looking for the right balance between remote vs. on-site; full-time  vs. parttime; task-based vs. project based
  •  Are your hiring expectations different from your candidates?
  • Is the current shift in workforce demography impacting you? As GenZ share in the workforce is growing. There’s a strong shift towards a casual, flexible, and personalized hiring process.
  • Actively engage with educators, regulators, and professional bodies to develop and connect needed talents 
  • Helping you switch to a Hire-by-Like model, allowing you to review a 360-degree profile of candidates with respect to your existing team
  • Extend our hiring services to sourcing a range of staff-augmentation options
  • We help you boost your team's performance and customize your benefits according to individual needs

Ayman Zaki


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